Green parking lots incorporate permeable or semi-permeable paving and porous design techniques to reduce stormwater runoff volume.
Green lots may have minimal or no curbing and extensive landscaping.
Read more about building green parking lots.
Table of Contents
What is Green Parking Lots?
Green parking lots refers to a set of techniques for reducing the contribution of parking lots to the total impermeable cover, which includes setting a ceiling for parking lots creation, minimizing dimensions, using bio-retention areas to treat storm-water, encouraging shared parking etc.
These lots have porous design and permeable or semi-permeable paving to lower the amount of storm water runoff.
Siting Considerations of Green Parking Lots
Green parking lots require suitable soil types and porosity to allow adequate infiltration. High concentrations of sediment and dust pose a significant risk of clogging, so installation in these types of locations would require more frequent maintenance.

Low, medium, and high traffic areas can all benefit from porous pavement. Anywhere that conventional asphalt is appropriate, porous asphalt can be used. In hot climates, porous concrete is more durable than porous asphalt, but in cold climates, it must be built with a stone subbase and never put directly on a soil subbase.
Permeable pavers (including grass paving systems) are less durable than porous pavement and are not generally suitable for high-traffic areas. theaa the. the………..
Special thought must be given to snow removal and ice treatment. Due to the potential for clogging the system, sand and other abrasive materials should not be used on the surface, and plow blades should be set higher to prevent surface damage. But during light snowfalls, the heat retained by green parking lots frequently speeds up snowmelt and reduces accumulation.
To reduce the risk of contaminating groundwater, green parking lots shouldn’t be situated near places where runoff is extremely polluted, like gas stations and auto repair shops.
Costs of Green Parking Lots
Installation costs for green parking lots are generally higher when compared to traditional asphalt, but they vary greatly depending on a specific site’s characteristics (climate, topography, soil type, etc.) as well as the techniques incorporated within a particular parking lot design.
Costs will be significantly higher if it becomes necessary to replace the subsoil because it lacks adequate infiltration capabilities.
But the stormwater system itself can be made more affordable.
Green parking lots significantly reduce run-off and enhance water quality, which reduces the need for a traditional stormwater management system and saves money.
Takeaway: Green Parking Lots
Green parking lots typically incorporate a variety of “green” features such as bioswales or rain gardens.
Large amounts of runoff that are too much to be contained in a parking lot are directed into the area’s larger stormwater management system, which may include a variety of green recreational areas, wetlands, or other open space.
Read More:
What is the Meaning of Green Parking Lot?
Green parking lots are a form of parking lot designed to be environmentally more sustainable.
What is the Benefit of Green Parking?
Green parking lots improve water quality, increase ground water supply, and reduce the urban heat island effect.